Summary 6


Timothy J. Neeb

Prof. Blake Johnson

Introducing Stylib

Multi-column layouts, navigation links, and forms are just some of the things I have coded with XHTML and CSS many, many times. While the underlying similarities of the components of these sites are often not apparent because of the differences in colors, fonts, and other visual attributes, their underlying XHTML markup and the “mechanics” of the CSS that organize that markup on the screen change very little. Recently, to reduce the frequent sense of dèjá-vu, I started to develop a library that I now call Stylib. This library, a collection of XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript fi les, not only contains all the elements I commonly use in my design work, but also has two important characteristics. First, the components are designed to work together rather like Lego® bricks, and secondly, the parts that I might want to change from one site to the next—the type sizes and colors, for example—are broken out from the code for the underlying layout.

Width Matters

If you add more content, the layout increases its height to accommodate it, and that is exactly what you want to have happen. However, controlling the horizontal width of these layouts is key to the way they function. Users detest horizontal scrolling, so it’s important to ensure they do not have to do that. Also, most of these layouts are based on using elements that are fl oated using CSS to create columns, and these kinds of layouts can display incorrectly if they do not maintain key width dimensions.

Floated verses Absolutely-postioned layouts

Floated columns are quick and easy to implement, but require that you be very careful to ensure that you don’t accidentally cause the total width of the columns to exceed the width of the layout (for example, by increasing the width of columns by adding a large image into it).